jim motyka
jim motyka
jim motyka
Jim started playing the clarinet at the age of 8 under the tutelage of the late Tony Zieminski. He then went on the saxophone and then the trumpet with Happy Louie. Jim also dabbles a bit in concertina, although it is a devil of an instrument. He has been playing in Polka bands for more than 25 years and still enjoys playing and seeing the country. His love for the music is something that will never end.
Before playing with the Maestro's Men, Jim started with the Village Traveler's, The Instrumentals, the Bay State IV and Jackie Libera's Classix. He toured Poland with Happy Louie, performed with the Polka Country Musicians, Ray Mitus, The New England All-Stars, Marion Lush, Little Wally, The New Brass, Heavy Chicago and Lenny Gomulka's Chicago Push.
Before playing with the Maestro's Men, Jim started with the Village Traveler's, The Instrumentals, the Bay State IV and Jackie Libera's Classix. He toured Poland with Happy Louie, performed with the Polka Country Musicians, Ray Mitus, The New England All-Stars, Marion Lush, Little Wally, The New Brass, Heavy Chicago and Lenny Gomulka's Chicago Push.
Maestro's Men - "Decade Two"Maestro's Men - "Enjoy The Little Things"Maestro's Men - "Don't Stop The Music"Bay State IV - "Polka Treasures"Bay State IV - "Salutes The Polka Stars"Bay State IV - "Who Could Ask For Anything More"Jackie Libera's Classix - "Class of 93"Instrumentals - "Polka Crazy"
Maestro's Men - "Decade Two"Maestro's Men - "Enjoy The Little Things"Maestro's Men - "Don't Stop The Music"Bay State IV - "Polka Treasures"Bay State IV - "Salutes The Polka Stars"Bay State IV - "Who Could Ask For Anything More"Jackie Libera's Classix - "Class of 93"Instrumentals - "Polka Crazy"